SharpVectors copied to clipboard
Some elements are incorrectly rendered as black
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The left side uses the SvgViewbox, and the right side is the rendering of the Edge browser.
Sorry, filters are not currently supported.
Sorry, filters are not currently supported.
I have the same problem. Will you update it to support this?
@BluePointLilac @xingzuhui Please can you provide some information on how you are using this library?
Background (of the question)
- Currently,
supports the low-level renderers supported by WPF (Drawing
). - Unfortunately, the only support available at this level filter effects (bitmap effect) is software-based, which is slow and depreciated it.
- To support filter effects at this level, we will have to convert the rendered vector to bitmap and apply the filters.
- The implication is that you will loose vector graphics and only get static image (bitmap).
- If you application requires such support, it will be a problem.
- Now, the next higher level where shader effect is available is
level. However, this cannot be implemented in XAML, so you are restricted to using controls provided bySharpVectors