SharpVectors icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SharpVectors copied to clipboard

Some elements are incorrectly rendered as black

Open BluePointLilac opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

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The left side uses the SvgViewbox, and the right side is the rendering of the Edge browser.

BluePointLilac avatar Jan 16 '23 11:01 BluePointLilac

Sorry, filters are not currently supported.

paulushub avatar Jul 16 '23 15:07 paulushub

Sorry, filters are not currently supported.

I have the same problem. Will you update it to support this?

xingzuhui avatar Dec 30 '23 13:12 xingzuhui

@BluePointLilac @xingzuhui Please can you provide some information on how you are using this library?

Background (of the question)

  • Currently, SharpVectors supports the low-level renderers supported by WPF (Drawing and Geometry).
  • Unfortunately, the only support available at this level filter effects (bitmap effect) is software-based, which is slow and depreciated it.
  • To support filter effects at this level, we will have to convert the rendered vector to bitmap and apply the filters.
  • The implication is that you will loose vector graphics and only get static image (bitmap).
  • If you application requires such support, it will be a problem.
  • Now, the next higher level where shader effect is available is DrawingVisual level. However, this cannot be implemented in XAML, so you are restricted to using controls provided by SharpVectors.

paulushub avatar Jan 15 '24 11:01 paulushub