
Results 36 comments of Eli-Zaretskii

@xiangsheng, can you tell which font are you using for the affected character (`’')? More generally, do you have some customizations of the Emacs fontsets, and if so, can you...

Is it reasonable to use `Source Code Pro` in a CJK locale? Does it have good-enough support for Chinese characters? Or are Chinese characters displayed by a different font (and...

Thanks. Please try the same, but this time set `use-default-font-for-symbols` to nil immediately after starting Emacs. Does this cause the `’` character be displayed using `Noto Serif CJK TC`, and...

Thanks. One more question, hopefully the last one: do you expect the `’` displayed using the `Noto Serif CJK TC` font or the default `Source Code Pro` font? What do...

This sounds like an old issue, see, for example https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-emacs-windows/2017-04/msg00017.html.

If you can come up with a simple enough recipe starting with `emacs -Q` and demonstrating the issue with `whitespace-mode`, I will look into it.

I cannot reproduce the problem, with the above recipe, neither in Emacs 28.1 nor with the current master branch of the Emacs Git repository. I always get zero value of...

Sorry, still not reproducible. Does this happen for you with any font and any font size? Or does it only happen for some fonts/sizes? If it happens for any font,...

I believe you. I just cannot reproduce this on my machine, and without that I cannot debug this. I even tried Source Code Pro font, and still no cigar. Sorry.

One way is to define a hook function that would be called by `flycheck` when it is activated for a buffer, and in that function have a check for whether...