
Results 82 comments of Eli-Black-Work

@duncanp-sonar Okay, thanks 🙂 I don't think this is a priority for us, either. I was hoping to be able to temporarily disable JS warnings while I tested out the...

@duncanp-sonar Yes, thanks; I was just looking to use this feature as a quick hack before we configured out JS projects to be in connected mode. Once we're in connected...

We've recently been evaluating having everyone on our team install the SonarLint VS extension, and we're running into the same issue: Installing the extension seems to slow down Visual Studio...

Hi @duncanp-sonar, Cool, thanks! 🙂 - Our solution has 73 projects: 72 C# projects and 1 JavaScript project. - We're using VS2022, both the latest stable version and the latest...

@muratcorlu, From the Windows command line, I'm doing this: ``` SET "npm_config_arch=xxxxx" && SET "npm_config_platform=xxxxx" && yarn install ``` That seems to work when I'm installing `electron`, at least. Not...

It looks like this has a proposal champion but also has 3x more downvotes than upvotes. Does having a proposal champion mean that this feature is slated for implementation?

Got it, thanks! 🙂

Just ran into this today. Our use case: ```c# private class ResourceAndErrors { public object? Resource { get; init; } public IList? Errors { get; init; } public bool IsValid...

Would this be allowed with `object`? i.e. ```C# enum Color { Red, Greed } object M1() => Red; // Would this compile? ```

Not sure if it's possible, but it would be awesome if compilation errors were shown after refreshing the page! 🙂 Currently if the page is refreshed when there's a compilation...