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[REQUEST] Street Fighter X Tekken 544P hack (values inside)
Hi @Electry In the next version, could you add Street Fighter X Tekken please? Here're the hex eboot values : 5FF42070C4F840225FF4F07E > 5FF47070C4F840225FF4087E 5FF42076A2625FF4F072 > 5FF47076A2625FF40872 5FF42070C9F8D0005FF4F070 > 5FF47070C9F8D0005FF40870 5FF420755FF4F072 > 5FF470755FF40872 Effects still run at low resolution but the game looks a lot better PS : InquisitionImplied gave me the values
And for Marvel vs Capcom possible?
UMVC3 is native resolution
So coooooool, thanks a lot!! Hopefully it'll get added in the following update.
UMVC3 is native resolution
It's a shame UMVC3 cannot go a little higher, I find so exciting to squeeze the console's performance via Lolicon and vitagrafix...
Love this game deeply!
Is there some simple way to add new games?
Hi @Electry Could you tell us what we need to add in the patchlist.txt for this game?