When I run the script "BWBReader.py", the code reports the following error,
(Parrot) root@nlp:~/ParroT-master/BlonDe/BlonDe-main$ python BWB/BWBReader.py
Generating the cached file...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 544, in
for sentences in bwb_reader.dataset_iterator_from_cache(cache_file, dir_path):
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 169, in dataset_iterator_from_cache
self.to_cache(dir_path, cache_file)
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 530, in to_cache
for sentences in self.dataset_iterator(dir_path):
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 212, in dataset_iterator
yield from self.sentence_iterator(chs_path, ref_path)
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 268, in sentence_iterator
for chs_document, ref_document in self.dataset_document_iterator(chs_path, ref_path):
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 260, in dataset_document_iterator
ref_document.append(self._line_to_BWBsentence(line, "en", document_id, sentence_id))
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 414, in _line_to_BWBsentence
k = self._deal_with_ann_span(line, k, mention_stack, quote_stack,
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 384, in _deal_with_ann_span
k = self._deal_with_ann_span(line, k, mention_stack, quote_stack,
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 384, in _deal_with_ann_span
k = self._deal_with_ann_span(line, k, mention_stack, quote_stack,
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 384, in _deal_with_ann_span
k = self._deal_with_ann_span(line, k, mention_stack, quote_stack,
[Previous line repeated 19 more times]
File "BWB/BWBReader.py", line 351, in _deal_with_ann_span
raise RuntimeError(f'the annotated span <{ann_span}> is not followed by a ''. \n'
RuntimeError: the annotated span <O,2> is not followed by a .
document_id: Book0-4, sentence_id: 20
Our "test_with_annotations" was downloaded in this project without any revision. Would you happen to have any suggestions about our question?