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[markdown]: shortcodes in posts should not be wrapped in <p>
Elder.js' Markdown plugin wraps any shortcode placed on its own line in <p></p>
, including any Svelte component called via {{svelteComponent name='...' /}}
. This creates invalid HTML if any non-inline tags are wrapped into <p>
. Elder.js' Markdown parser should remove these
tags from the resulting HTML.
Here's how I've worked around this for now:
In shortcodes.js
, I mark any shortcodes I want to be "block level" with block: true
Then in hooks.js
I have this:
hook: 'shortcodes',
name: 'unwrapBlockShortcodes',
description: 'Looks for block level shortcodes and remove their surrounding paragraph tags',
priority: 99,
run: async ({ layoutHtml, shortcodes }) => {
const blockShortcodes = shortcodes.filter(shortcode => shortcode.block)
let newHtml = layoutHtml
blockShortcodes.forEach(({ shortcode }) => {
newHtml = newHtml
.replace(new RegExp(`<p>({{${shortcode}( .*)?/?}})(</p>)?`, 'g'), '$1')
.replace(new RegExp(`({{/${shortcode}}})</p>`, 'g'), '$1')
return {
layoutHtml: newHtml