CoreProxy icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CoreProxy copied to clipboard

Implement a simple Aop using .Net Core library System.Reflection.DispatchProxy


Implement a simple Aop using System.Reflection.DispatchProxy


    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var poxy1 = (targetInterface)ProxyGenerator.Create(typeof(targetInterface), new SampleProxy("coreproxy1"));
            poxy1.Write("here was invoked"); //---> "here was invoked by coreproxy1"

            var poxy2 = (targetInterface)ProxyGenerator.Create(typeof(targetInterface), typeof(SampleProxy), "coreproxy2");
            poxy2.Write("here was invoked"); //---> "here was invoked by coreproxy2"

            var poxy3 = ProxyGenerator.Create<targetInterface, SampleProxy>("coreproxy3");
            poxy3.Write("here was invoked"); //---> "here was invoked by coreproxy3"

    public class SampleProxy : IInterceptor
        private string proxyName { get; }

        public SampleProxy(string name)
            this.proxyName = name;

        public object Intercept(MethodInfo method, object[] parameters)
            Console.WriteLine(parameters[0] + " by " + proxyName);
            return null;

    public interface targetInterface
        void Write(string writesome);