
Results 26 issues of Sam

Would there be any interest in a "special array" transformation to create loading matrices for factor analysis? i.e., when `n` observed variables are represented by `m

I defined an `OptimizationFunction` and `OptimizationProblem` which expect the parameters as a named tuple (which is convenient when there are a bunch of parameters, since they can be referred to...

Moving this question here from [Discourse]( The `optim_problem` interface to Optimization.jl is currently not documented anywhere. Is this intentional (e.g. because the interface is a moving target), or would a...

A question/suggestion on this example: It currently has the data normally distributed around the ODE solution. However, given that this is an ecological model, one would never actually observe...

Fix for method ambiguity in Couldn't tell if/how tests should be updated to reflect this change, happy to do that too if someone more knowledgeable can give me a...

Just ran into this error: ```julia ERROR: MethodError: promote_rule(::Type{IrrationalConstants.Twoπ}, ::Type{ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{OptimizationReverseDiffExt.OptimizationReverseDiffTag, Float64}, Float64, 12}}) is ambiguous. Candidates: promote_rule(::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) where {S

I was recently surprised to find that calling `std()` on a `Chains` threw an error. Looking into it, it appears that only a few individual summary statistics (`mean`, `cor`, and...

`groupedbar` produces a messy plot when given `Date`s as x-values. The bar widths can be off, and it plots a label for every unique x-value: ```julia using DataFrames, StatPlots x...

Just chased a type-instability in some code back to the `getproperty` method for `LDLFactorization`s [here]( Using `getfield` instead is a workaround, but it would be nice if the dot-property syntax...