vite-plugin-image-presets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vite-plugin-image-presets copied to clipboard

🖼 Image Presets for Vite.js apps

Results 4 vite-plugin-image-presets issues
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Taking the example from the readme... ```js widthPreset({ class: 'img thumb', loading: 'lazy', widths: [48, 96], formats: { webp: { quality: 50 }, jpg: { quality: 70 } } })...


It would be nice if there were a way to specify a default preset so every import didn't need the query string. Maybe something like this... ```js imagePresets({ 'default': widthPreset({...


Hi there, first of all thanks for this amazing vite plugin, I'm using it a bunch. ## Context I often found myself in the situation where I wanted to roll...

Currently, this plugin doesn't work well in build when used with Astro. It's because the `configResolved` hook gets called three times: first with the `serve` command, then two `build`s for...