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Results 31 iles issues
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### Description 📖 In some use cases it can be convenient to ignore client directives when an ancestor component is already an island. An example from [this thread]( ``` -...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I tried to make a client-side hydrated `div` that grows to the size of its parent. ```vue ``` The following...


[troubleshooting section]: - [x] I have read the __[troubleshooting section]__ before opening an issue. - [x] I have tried upgrading `iles` and `vite`. ### Description 📖 In multiple locations...


Hi! I stumbled upon an issue I couldn't explain. When I run `npm run dev` in a dummy app with: ```js const foobar = '~/pages' console.log(useDocuments(foobar).value.length) // it always logs...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I want to use an HTML snippet at the top of each of the output pages. In my cases, it's...


[troubleshooting section]: - [*] I have read the __[troubleshooting section]__ before opening an issue. - [*] I have tried upgrading `iles` and `vite`. ### Description 📖 `client:*` directives cannot...

help wanted

Thanks so much for this really interesting project! I was wondering whether there is any way built into Iles that allows fetching data on the server at build time to...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** [@vueuse/head]( recently added support for embedding scripts using `body: true` to add the script to the end of the body....


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As far as I'm aware, there's no way to extend the auto-import functions used by iles. It would be useful...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When adding vite plugins via our own vite.config.js, there are some challenges when the user's vite config & iles config...
