react-browser-extension-boilerplate copied to clipboard
[Question] Chakra in web browser extension?
I would like to add some UI Framework and I have chosen Chakra.
I do have 2 questions:
- Is it fine to add UI Frameworks to web browser extensions?
- Chakra is working fine, however, I do not have styles(css?). Any advice?
Thanks for the boilerplate is very useful 👍
@ElForastero Any advice?
@ElForastero Any advice?
If I undestand you right (about css), you need to inject css into web page.
I don't have a nice solution for this except this one:
It was used in the early version of this boilerplate.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './content.module.css';
import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';
const BackgroundApp = () => {
const [css, updateCSS] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
const url = browser.extension.getURL('assets/css/content.css');
.then(response => response.text())
}, []);
return (
<div styleName="container">
const root = document.createElement('div');
const shadow = root.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
ReactDOM.render(<BackgroundApp />, shadow);
First you download the css using fetch, and then just render the tag.
Thanks, however, that isn't a solution to my problem.
I had to remove Shadow
const shadow = root.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
Instead of that, I am using just a normal div. Now the styles of chakra UI elements work perfectly.
By using a shadow, styles of chakraUI are disappeared.