Okay i debugged a bit more, looks like this Marker Problem is `cordova-android` related: https://github.com/apache/cordova-android/issues/1316 - Thanks 😊
Same Crash appears to User with our App. I use `[email protected]`. Please fix!
Still required - Nice that we have mentioned a Workaround here, but i'm always a fan of performing things natively
For Android: With the current Implementation this seems not be be possible. We can set `i.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, true);` but without a maximum. Most people use external libraries here, like https://github.com/zhihu/Matisse 🤔...
i don't think they will include this external librarys. I also don't think it would be correct as this increases the size, even for users that doesn't need it and...
I just checked the possibility's... The mentioned libraries are not the best, android seems to be not maintained anymore. What about this Plugin: https://github.com/Telerik-Verified-Plugins/ImagePicker ?
Ahh my fault sorry. If you have time you can search for android and ios libraries, if you found good ones i can make a Plugin for them.
The iOs Library i mentioned above seems to be maintained, and looks good, so i think we need to find a good android one.
@thevirajshelke i found this: https://github.com/ParkSangGwon/TedImagePicker - i will create a Plugin, just created [this Repo](https://github.com/HansKrywaa/cordova-plugin-advanced-imagepicker)(Empty yet) where you can find the Plugin later
@thevirajshelke Version 1.0.0 is released - check it out 😊 If you have any Problems, please open an Issue there