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Add renameKey and renameKeys functions to the Record module
What is the problem this feature would solve?
Currently, the Record
module lacks a built-in, type-safe method for renaming keys in an object while preserving full type information in TypeScript. Renaming object keys is a common task in data transformation, but existing approaches often lead to loss of type information or require cumbersome and error-prone workarounds. Developers need a reliable way to rename keys without sacrificing type safety or resorting to manual type definitions.
What is the feature you are proposing to solve the problem?
I propose adding two new utility functions to the Record
: A function that renames a single key in an object.-
function renameKey< T extends Record<string | symbol, unknown>, K extends keyof T, K2 extends string, >(input: T, key: K, newKey: K2): { [P in Exclude<keyof T, K> | K2]: T[P extends K2 ? K : P] };
const source = { foo: 1, bar: "baz" } as const; const result = renameKey(source, "foo", "yolo"); // Resulting type: // { readonly yolo: 1; readonly bar: "baz"; }
: A function that renames multiple keys in an object based on a mapping.-
function renameKeys< T extends Record<string | symbol, unknown>, M extends Record<string, string>, >(input: T, map: M): { [Property in keyof T as Property extends keyof M ? M[Property] : Property]: T[Property]; };
const source = { foo: 1, bar: "baz" } as const; const mapping = { foo: "yolo", bar: "qux" } as const; const result = renameKeys(source, mapping); // Resulting type: // { readonly yolo: 1; readonly qux: "baz"; }
These functions solve the problem by:
- Preserving Type Safety: They maintain full type information of the original object, ensuring that the returned object accurately reflects the types.
- Convenience: Provide straightforward methods to rename one or multiple keys without manual type definitions.
allows for multiple key renames in a single operation, whilerenameKey
is optimized for single key renaming.
What alternatives have you considered?
Several alternatives were considered but found lacking:
Manual Key Renaming with Type Casting:
- Verbose and error-prone.
- Requires manual updates to types, increasing maintenance overhead.
- Risk of losing type information or introducing type errors.
Using Existing Utility Functions or Libraries:
- Third-party libraries may not handle type preservation adequately.
- Introduces additional dependencies to the project.
- May not align with the project's existing patterns or standards.
Custom Helper Functions in Individual Projects:
- Leads to code duplication across different projects.
- Inconsistent implementations can cause confusion and bugs.
- Lacks the optimization and testing that a standardized utility would have.
Extending Types with Mapped Types Manually:
- Can become complex quickly, especially with deeply nested objects.
- Increases cognitive load for developers.
- Not practical for dynamic key renaming based on runtime data.
These alternatives either compromise on type safety, increase complexity, or don't provide a reusable and maintainable solution. By adding renameKey
and renameKeys
to the Record
module, we offer a robust, type-safe, and developer-friendly solution to a common problem.