@Wulingtian MAP值呢?我测试还是有不少下降
@zjjMaiMai in [https://github.com/zjjMaiMai/Deep-Alignment-Network-A-convolutional-neural-network-for-robust-face-alignment/blob/master/DAN/DAN/DataSetPre.py#L67](url) what does the code mean? And what is the meaning of RandomSRT? `R = np.linalg.inv(R) T = np.dot(-T, R) Img = ndimage.interpolation.affine_transform(img,R,T[[1,0]],output_shape=(IMGSIZE,IMGSIZE))` Best, Edward
> 我这有的,有红外掌脉和灰度掌脉的,可以一起学习下,你留下邮箱吧 [email protected] 多谢兄弟了
> 不好意思,邮箱发不过去: > 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1fOeqLor2mx8forE3L457hQ 密码: f4r7 Thanks.
我现在想输入一张1*160*160 *3的图片,这里该怎么改?下面这种改法对吗? // Create New tensor and set value Tensor x(tensorflow::DT_FLOAT, tensorflow::TensorShape({1, 160, 160, 3})); // New Tensor shape [1, 160, 160, 3] auto x_map = x.tensor(); for (int j...
@iperov is the website changed? I cannot open it.
@iperov Thanks.
@iperov Could you please tell me where your FAN code is, sorry, I cannot find them.