I've had this problem before, but never found a fix, what is basically happening is sometimes the rom is not compiled correctly and that causes the low frame rate, but...
Is there anything I can do non jailbreak? As I used build store to get all of this
I got build store 6 months before Mach portal was a thing, you really think I would have payed $10 if I knew such a thing existed? Second I didn't...
I don't know how to compile from source, and I know how to resign
Would you mind linking me a video on how to do it?
But I don't own a mac... possible with windows?
I'm using buildstore because I don't know how to compile with source and I'm being told I can't do that without a mac
Dang... I thought there was an Xcode for windows though?
If my laptop which is windows, which has 12 GB of ram, gen 7 i7 processor, and a 4 GB gaming Graphics card, would I be able to run a...
Graphics card is a GeForce