edgetx-sdcard-sounds copied to clipboard
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- [ ] cn / Chinese @//zyren Can you help with this?
- [ ] cz / Czech
- [ ] de / German @//rotorman Can you help with this?
- [ ] es / Spanish
- [ ] fr / French @//raphaelcoeffic Can you help with this?
- [ ] it / Italian
- [ ] pt / Portuguese
- [ ] ru / Russian
I'm trying https://www.deepl.com to see how it goes with the initial translation. And as brainbubblersbest pointed out, context for most of this is iNAV modes, as well as some video transmitter stuff such as OSD and pit mode. https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav/blob/master/docs/INAV_Modes.pdf
manmod.wav;manual mode
acrmod.wav;acro mode
angmod.wav;angle mode
hznmod.wav;horizon mode
lncmod.wav;launch mode
airmod.wav;air mode
pitmod.wav;pit mode
navcrs.wav;navigation cruise
navcsh.wav;navigation course hold
navalh.wav;navigation altitude hold
navpos.wav;navigation position hold
navrth.wav;navigation return to home
navwp.wav;navigation waypoint
crshld.wav;course hold
althld.wav;altitude hold
poshld.wav;position hold
rth.wav;return to home
osd.wav;O S D
osdprf.wav;O S D profile
de / German
@rotorman Can you review this and see if it looks right? handbetrieb akro-modus winkelmodus horizont-modus startmodus luft-modus grubenmodus navigation kreuzfahrt navigation kurs halten halten der navigationshöhe navigation positionserhalt navigation zurück zum ausgangspunkt navigation wegpunkt kreuzfahrt kurs halten höhe halten position halten rückkehr zum heimatort wegpunkt manuell automatisch o s d o s d profil manuell automatisch O S D O S D Profil
cn / Chinese
@zyren Can you review this and/or make any changes? I'm not sure if 'Chinese (Simplified)' was the right dialect? 手动模式 角度模式 角度模式 地平线模式 发射模式 空气模式 坑道模式 导航巡航 航向保持 导航高度保持 导航位置保持 导航返回原点 导航航点 巡航 航向保持 高度保持 位置保持 返航 航点 手动 自动 O S D O S D概况
fr / French
@raphaelcoeffic What say you? :grin: mode manuel mode acro mode angle mode horizon mode lancement mode air mode fosse navigation cruise maintien du cap de navigation maintien de l'altitude de navigation maintien de la position de navigation navigation retour à la maison navigation waypoint croisière maintien du cap maintien de l'altitude maintien de la position retour à la maison point de cheminement manuel auto O S D profil O S D
cz / Czech
manuální režim režim akro režim úhlu režim horizontu režim startu letecký režim režim jámy navigační plavba udržování navigačního kurzu navigační udržování výšky udržování navigační polohy navigační návrat domů navigační bod cesty plavba udržování kurzu udržování nadmořské výšky udržování polohy návrat do výchozího bodu waypoint manuální auto O S D O S D profil
es / Spanish
modo manual modo acro modo ángulo modo horizonte modo de lanzamiento modo aire modo foso navegación de crucero mantener el rumbo de navegación mantenimiento de la altitud de navegación mantenimiento de la posición de navegación navegación retorno a casa navegación waypoint crucero mantenimiento del rumbo mantenimiento de la altitud mantenimiento de la posición volver a casa punto de ruta manual auto O S D Perfil O S D
it / Italian
modo manuale modo acro modo angolo modo orizzonte modo di lancio modo aria modo fossa crociera di navigazione navigazione mantenere la rotta navigazione mantenimento dell'altitudine navigazione mantenimento della posizione navigazione ritorno a casa navigazione waypoint crociera mantenere la rotta mantenere l'altitudine mantenere la posizione ritorno a casa waypoint manuale auto O S D profilo O S D
pt / Portugese
modo manual modo acro modo angular modo horizonte modo de lançamento modo ar modo fosso cruzeiro de navegação curso de navegação altitude de navegação porão posição de navegação navegação de regresso a casa ponto de passagem de navegação cruzeiro curso de formação altitude de retenção posição mantida regressar a casa ponto de passagem manual auto O S D perfil O S D
ru / Russian
ручной режим акрорежим угловой режим режим горизонта режим запуска воздушный режим режим ямы навигационный крейсерский режим удержание навигационного курса удержание навигационной высоты удержание навигационного положения навигационный возврат в исходное положение навигационная путевая точка круиз удержание курса удержание высоты удержание позиции возврат к дому путевая точка вручную авто О С Д O S D профиль
Best we ask also @wimalopaan and @gagarinlg to check as well, as I'm not a native German speaker, but below how it sounds OK to me:
manmod.wav;manual mode;"Handbetrieb"
acrmod.wav;acro mode;"Kunstflugmodus", one can also say "Akrobatikmodus", but I prefer Kunstflug, as more native IMO
angmod.wav;angle mode;"Winkelhaltemodus"
hznmod.wav;horizon mode;"Horizonthaltemodus"
lncmod.wav;launch mode;"Startmodus"
airmod.wav;air mode;"Luftmodus" (sounds awkward to me though, but I have no better alternative)
pitmod.wav;pit mode;"Boxenstoppmodus" oder "Wartungsmodus" (meaning maintenance mode)
navcrs.wav;navigation cruise;"Kreuzfahrt" (marine vehicle) or "Rundflug" for aerial vehicle
navcsh.wav;navigation course hold;"Navigation, Kurs halten"
navalh.wav;navigation altitude hold;"Halten der Navigationshöhe"
navpos.wav;navigation position hold;"Navigation, Positionserhalt"
navrth.wav;navigation return to home;"Navigation, zurück zum Ausgangspunkt" (means back to starting point, not home)
navwp.wav;navigation waypoint;"Navigation Wegpunkt"
cruise.wav;cruise;"Kreuzfahrt" (marine vehicle) or "Rundflug" for aerial vehicle
crshld.wav;course hold;"Kurs halten"
althld.wav;altitude hold;"Höhe halten"
poshld.wav;position hold;"Position halten"
rth.wav;return to home;"Zurück zum Ausgangspunkt" (back to starting point)
osd.wav;O S D;"Bildschirmanzeige"
osdprf.wav;O S D profile;"Bildschirmanzeigeprofil"
Winkelhaltemodus -> Winkelmodus: which angle? yaw, pitch, roll? Horizonthaltemodus -> Horizontalmodus Luftmodus -> Flugmodus Navigation, Kurs halten -> Kurs halten Halten der Navigationshöhe -> Höhe halten Positionserhalt -> Positions halten
Kreuzfahrt: sounds funny to me, because "Kreuzfahrt" as a special meaning in german, but I've no better wording since the purpose is not fully clear to me
Hm... I'm already starting to think need to move the translation of this to something better... I've been thinking for a while we should move some of the ETX stuff to crowdin ... maybe this is a change to see if it could work (as well as get familiar with it)? While the output isn't directly usable in the current workflow, it is a CSV file, so won't be to hard to manipulate back into place.
If you're willing to have a look, check out https://crowdin.com/project/edgetx-sdcard-sounds ... I've grabbed the US English as the source, let crowdin do the machine translation, and then added the UK English variant also. If anyone has any other suggestions I'm all ears ;) I should be able to massage the translations further so that at least the current translations are imported in, meaning it won't all be machine translated, but that will have to wait for another day.
@wimalopaan you dont fly Drones, Do you? Give me a try, I aporeciate your Feedback. 😉 manmod.wav;manual mode;"Assistenzsysteme aus" acrmod.wav;acro mode;"Steuerlimitierungen aus", angmod.wav;angle mode;"Autolevelmodus" hznmod.wav;horizon mode;"Autolevelmodus Limitiert" lncmod.wav;launch mode;"Startmodus" airmod.wav;air mode;"Stabilisierungsmodus" pitmod.wav;pit mode;"Videosendeleistung reduziert" oder "Wartungsmodus" (meaning maintenance mode) navcrs.wav;navigation cruise;"Autopilot halte Richtung 3D" (marine vehicle) or "Rundflug" for aerial vehicle navcsh.wav;navigation course hold;"Autopilot halte Kurs" navalh.wav;navigation altitude hold;"Autopilot Halte Position" (Pause Navigation until deactivation) navpos.wav;navigation position hold;"Autopilot Halte Höhe" navrth.wav;navigation return to home;"Autopilot, zurück zum Startpunkt" (means back to starting point, not home) navwp.wav;navigation waypoint;"Autopilot starte Wegpunktmission" cruise.wav;cruise;" "Assistierte manuelle Steuerung " crshld.wav;course hold;"Richtung halten" (Gyro/ACC) althld.wav;altitude hold;"Höhe halten" (anytime in manual) poshld.wav;position hold;"Position halten" (anytime in manual) rth.wav;return to home;"Zurück zum Startpunkt" (back to starting point) waypnt.wav;waypoint;"Wegpunkt" manual.wav;manual;"Manuell" auto.wav;auto;"Automatisch" osd.wav;O S D;"In Video Armaturen" osdprf.wav;O S D profile;"VideoArmaturenprofil
This might be helpfull for better understanding. https://github.com/iNavFlight/inav/blob/master/docs/Settings.md
Yes I will be checking and improving these today.