cordova-plugin-native-keyboard copied to clipboard
Incompatible with Admob Plugin
I try it a second time. I open this issue some weeks ago, but the issue was closed without fixing the bug ( The problem still exist on Android devices when creating the app with phonegap.
If you initialize the admob ads and open the keyboard, the other part above the keyboard is black, only the Banner-Ad from AdMob will be shown after calling NativeKeyboard.showMessenger. It is reproducable with all free AdMob Plugins for Cordova. Looks like NativeKeyboard shrinks the WebView of my App to 0px. Currently I have the cordova-plugin-admob-simple version 3.3.4 andcordova-plugin-native-keyboard version 1.3.2. But all of the newer version of native keyboard plugin don`t work either.
Additional: The AdMob Plugin creates new WebViews to display the Ads.