infomap_ecology_package copied to clipboard
Package with functions to handle network data and run Infomap, inspired by ecological networks
:wave: About
This repository contains the code for the R package infomapecology. infomapecology is an R package with functions that prepare monolayer and multilayer networks for analysis with Infomap, run Infomap from within R and parse the results back to R. It is inspired by analysis of ecological networks but is suitable for other areas of research as well.
:page_facing_up: Paper and citing
Farage, C., D. Edler, A. Eklöf, M. Rosvall, and S. Pilosof. Identifying flow modules in ecological networks using Infomap. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2021. DOI:10.1111/2041-210X.13569. Please cite the paper when implementing the guidelines we describe or when using the package, this helps us a lot!
:green_heart: Acknowledgements
This work was supported by:
- Israel Science Foundation (grant 1281/20) to Shai Pilosof.
- Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2016-00796) to Martin Rosvall.
- Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2016-04919) to Anna Eklof.
:package: Installation
Current installation uses devtools. Instructions:
:globe_with_meridians: Website
Complete instructions for installation and many examples are in