Added in #3031
For nextgen yes that existed.. but for legacy, the option are available for KillAura & Scaffold.. but I'm not sure what other modules that needs AutoF5 anyway..
I mean i could add a separate module for it like nextgen.. but its not really prioritize rn
yes i haven't fix it yet.. I'll look into it soon
Alright fixed it, lemme know if it still happened.. i did test it and it worked, tho- I haven't fully tested it
also try to tune/configured the timerCharged & timerBoost option correctly
> not fixed still happened :/ yeah maybe u need to lower ur timercharge, try that, and maybe lower a bit ur timerboost
ur timerboost is to high lol, should at least be 4 or 7 thats should be enough, or for intave maybe lower.. thats prob why ur banned
u know what, send me ur config.. I'll test it
yeah still maybe lower ur timer to like 3 or 4, it could be that intave detect timer