PerWorldInventory copied to clipboard
[PerWorldInventory] [ECON] Unable to withdraw bank funds from 'Ganome317': null
Im runningplugins "CoreProtect, PermissionsEx, Essentials, Vault, Votifier, EssentialsChat, EssentialsGeoIP, Multiverse-Core, Vote, PerWorldInventory, GriefPrevention, TradeMe".
I have a survival world Redstonia and a creative world Extravaganzo/ Redstonia's alias is Survival and creative's alis is Creator in worlds.yml of the MV.
whenever a player does a "/mv tp [EitherWorld]" , it puts that error into console and clears their balance and their inventories. In the data folder of PWI, there is a redstonia and restonia.creative (likewise with my creative world). I could have swore i had this working no more than two days ago?
I also have a random error coming across my console...its the error.txt, not sure if its related to the same problem??
Updated Console Logs - When I issue "mv tp Ganome317 Creator/Survival"
[16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' going from world 'extravaganzo' to world 'Redstonia' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Adding player 'Ganome317' to cache; key is '6229418b-1abc-4e58-9d31-d318b57f6690.extravaganzo.creative' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' found in cache! Updating cache [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Updating player 'Ganome317' in the cache [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Gamemodes are separated! Loading data for player 'Ganome317' for group 'Redstonia' in gamemode 'CREATIVE' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Trying to get data from cache for player 'Ganome317' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Looking for cached data with key '6229418b-1abc-4e58-9d31-d318b57f6690.Redstonia.creative' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' found in cache! Setting their data [16:48:22 WARN]: [PerWorldInventory] [ECON] Unable to withdraw currency from bank of 'Ganome317': null [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' changed to gamemode 'SURVIVAL' in group 'Redstonia' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Adding player 'Ganome317' to cache; key is '6229418b-1abc-4e58-9d31-d318b57f6690.Redstonia.creative' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' found in cache! Updating cache [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Updating player 'Ganome317' in the cache [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' does not have gamemode bypass permission! Loading data [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Trying to get data from cache for player 'Ganome317' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Looking for cached data with key '6229418b-1abc-4e58-9d31-d318b57f6690.Redstonia.survival' [16:48:22 INFO]: [PerWorldInventory] [DEBUG] Player 'Ganome317' found in cache! Setting their data [16:48:22 WARN]: [PerWorldInventory] [ECON] Unable to withdraw currency from bank of 'Ganome317': null
I tried to clear my worlds.yml inside PWI - and use the option in the config.yml to store seperate inventories for every world not in worlds.yml - This did not work, reset my economy balance, and in a trial run of Three teleports, both directions. The second TP back from creative mode to survival mode, i kept my creative inventory.