``` # If version is a number like 1.2.3, then prepend with [VERSION] # If version starts with A, then leave it a string # CHANGE ME $TargetBIOSVersion = "A30"...
``` # If version is a number like 1.2.3, then prepend with [VERSION] # If version starts with A, then leave it a string but do NOT put the A...
Level 5 doesn't exist yet.
Doesn't seem to do a fraction of what MDT Gather does :(
MDT Gather: ``` Architecture = X64 AssetTag = 6543-3342-5958-6548-3242-5655-89 CapableArchitecture = AMD64 X64 X86 Debug = FALSE Default Gateway = Default Gateway = DefaultGateway = DefaultGateway001 =
PoSh Gather: ``` Architecture = X64 AssetTag = 6543-3342-5958-6548-3242-5655-89 BIOSReleaseDate = 20180831000000.000000+000 BIOSVersion = Hyper-V UEFI Release v4.0 BitlockerEncryptionMethod = N/A BitlockerEncryptionType = N/A DefaultGateway =, IPAddress =,
Basic GPOs are done. Need to figure out the custom ADMx ones.
Need to go through these and look for ways to harden.
ZTIDone has never worked well for me, even when using the full MDT toolkit. We need a stand alone step to do this, I have a goal of doing _something_...
https://github.com/mathoudebine/turing-smart-screen-python/pull/15 I think I've fixed it by serializing the updates to the screen (using a queue, so it'll run through each one cleanly before executing the next). With the default...