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New Commands: 2050 - Call Movement Action | 2051 - Wait for Single Movement (can Detect fail cases)
Here's a bunch of stuff that was already requested in different places.
Call Movement Action:
@2050("typeOfAction",[targetIsVar,target, parameterIsvar, parameter])
A collection of new move commands that can be called as:
@raw 2050, "SetMoveSpeed", targetIsVar,target, speedIsvar, speed
@raw 2050, "SetMoveFrequency", targetIsVar,target, frequencyIsvar, frequency
@raw 2050, "SetFacingLocked", targetIsVar,target, lockedIsvar, locked
@raw 2050, "SetLayer", targetIsVar,target, layerIsvar, layer
@raw 2050, "SetFlying", targetIsVar,target, flyingIsvar, flying
@raw 2050, "StopMovement", targetIsVar,target
@raw 2050, "Event2Event", eventAIsVar,eventA, eventBisVar, eventB
//teleports an eventA over eventB, putting EventA to look at same direction as EventB too.
@raw 2050, "FaceTowards", eventAIsVar,eventA, eventBisVar, eventB
@raw 2050, "FaceAway", eventAIsVar,eventA, eventBisVar, eventB
Wait for Single Movement:
Waits for the end of a Single Event's Movements.
@raw 2051, "WaitForMovement", 0, 10001, 0, 35, 0, 8
@raw 2051, "WaitForMovement", useVarID, ID, useVarTargetVariable, targetVariable, useVarFailuresAmount, failuresAmount
While waiting for the Move Route to complete, you can save the outcome of the motion (success or failure) to a targetVariable. Additionally, you can set the number of failed attempts allowed before triggering a failure condition. If the failuresAmount is set to 0, this command will simply wait for the motion to finish without considering failures.
old commits comments: Update Feature - Support Detecting when Move Route Fails Thanks @MackValentine Mack for solving some Core Issues
This one is near completion.
Just need to revamp @raw 2050, "SetFlying", targetIsVar,target, flyingIsvar, flying
Once Ghabry have time, he will help refactoring the vehicles code, to allow any event entities to fly or land like airships.
I wonder if we could also have an extra parameter called forceLanding
to detect if a terrain is appropiate for landing or not.
About the semantics of Wait for Single Movement:
I understand this ones:
- Event ID is obviously the event that is checked
- Failures Amount is a threshold to prevent soft locks: 0 = wait infinitely, >=1 abort move route and continue when failure threshold is reached
But about the output variable:
The variable is set to 0 when the move route was aborted.
The variable is set to 1 when the move route did not exist or ended successfully.
Is this correct and the intention?