site-command copied to clipboard
[QUESTION] How to run `behat` tests against vendor/easyengine/*
I am having a confusing situation when I try to run behat tests, here is how I am doing it:
╭─root@Sys-Beladel ~/workspace/ee-compat74-80/easyengine ‹compat-php-80*›
╰─➤ pwd
╭─root@Sys-Beladel ~/workspace/ee-compat74-80/easyengine ‹compat-php-80*›
╰─➤ ls
bin ci composer.json composer.lock docs easyengine.phar features img-versions.json LICENSE migrations php phpcs.xml.dist phpunit.xml.dist templates tests utils vendor vendor0 VERSION
╭─root@Sys-Beladel ~/workspace/ee-compat74-80/easyengine ‹compat-php-80*›
╰─➤ ./vendor/bin/behat --dry-run vendor/easyengine/site-command
No scenarios
No steps
0m0.02s (9.26Mb)
In ExerciseController.php line 111:
No specifications found at path(s) `vendor/easyengine/site-command`. This might be because of incorrect paths configuration in your `suites`.
╭─root@Sys-Beladel ~/workspace/ee-compat74-80/easyengine ‹compat-php-80*›
╰─➤ ./vendor/bin/behat --dry-run vendor/easyengine/site-command/features 1 ↵
No scenarios
No steps
0m0.02s (9.26Mb)
In ExerciseController.php line 111:
No specifications found at path(s) `vendor/easyengine/site-command/features`. This might be because of incorrect paths configuration in your `suites`.
╭─root@Sys-Beladel ~/workspace/ee-compat74-80/easyengine ‹compat-php-80*›
╰─➤ ./vendor/bin/behat --dry-run vendor/easyengine/site-command/features/labels.feature 1 ↵
No scenarios
No steps
0m0.02s (9.17Mb)
In ExerciseController.php line 111:
No specifications found at path(s) `vendor/easyengine/site-command/features/labels.feature`. This might be because of incorrect paths configuration in your `suites`.
As you can see from the output, I tried every possible command but still didn't work for me, would you tell me the correct way to do it?