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How to set default value for AssociationField or NumberField in EasyAdmin 4 based on filter parameter from previous page?
I'm trying to set a default value for an AssociationField or a NumberField in EasyAdmin 4 based on a filter parameter from the previous page.
I have url: localhost:8080/xxx?game_id=2
I want set to field AssociationField or NumberField default value 2. How to do it?
I'm doing something like that:
public function createEntity(string $entityFqcn)
$entity = parent::createEntity($entityFqcn);
$gameId = $this->request->getMainRequest()->query->get('game_id');
if ($gameId) {
// what you want ...
return $entity;
I couldn't figure out how to do this anywhere, but @dwd-akira's code above worked for me. It would be really nice to have this added into the documentation somewhere.
I'm using the following code that processes the '_defaults' query parameter, i.e., localhost:8080/xxx?_defaults[game_id]=2. In my opinion, it is more correct to set data into the form instead of directly in the entity.
For the filters processing, you can do the same but for filters
public function createNewForm(EntityDto $entityDto, KeyValueStore $formOptions, AdminContext $context): FormInterface
$form = parent::createNewForm($entityDto, $formOptions, $context);
return $form;
$defaultValues = $context->getRequest()->get('_defaults_',[]);
foreach ($defaultValues as $property => $value)
if(!$form->has($property) || !$entityDto->hasProperty($property)){
$targetEntity = $entityDto->getPropertyMetadata($property)->get('targetEntity');
$id = Uuid::isValid($value)?Uuid::fromString($value):$value;
$value = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManagerForClass($targetEntity)->getReference($targetEntity, $id);
return $form;