Magento2-City-Dropdown copied to clipboard
Region page does not load magento 2.3.6
I tried to access the region page in the admin section and i got this error
Type Error occurred when creating object: Eadesigndev\RomCity\Model\ResourceModel\Collection\Grid\Collection\Interceptor
Magento 2.3.6
Facing same error
I get this error:
Type Error occurred when creating object: Eadesigndev\RomCity\Model\ResourceModel\Collection\Grid\Collection\Interceptor, Argument 5 passed to Eadesigndev\RomCity\Model\ResourceModel\Collection\Grid\Collection\Interceptor::__construct() must implement interface Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface, string given, called in /app/e6qirincwb4nk/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/Factory/AbstractFactory.php on line 121
I have same error too
@NoslenZuir did you find any solution for this?