sonar-esql-plugin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sonar-esql-plugin copied to clipboard

Could you please publish the plugin to SonarSource market place

Open atselvan opened this issue 6 years ago • 7 comments

Note from SonarSource:

Deploying to the marketplace (initial releases and updates) is an action that must be started by the developers of a plugin. As I do not believe the developers of the ESQL plugin have asked for their plugin to be included in the marketplace, you will not be able to see updates for it and will need to discover these updates through some other communication channel and install them as you did the initial installation of the plugin.

atselvan avatar Jan 17 '19 09:01 atselvan

@atselvan , it is for now possible to watch this project in GitHub and switch on the 'Releases Only'. Then you get a notification from GitHub when a new release is build of this project.

EddyVos avatar Jan 17 '19 09:01 EddyVos

@EddyVos It is easier to upgrade plugins if they are available in sonarsource's market place which enables us to deliver faster, instead of a download - upload - restart mechanism.

atselvan avatar Jan 17 '19 09:01 atselvan

Only plugins deployed to the SonarSource marketplace could be used within the SonarCloud solution.

miszczak avatar Mar 27 '19 18:03 miszczak

We need to have a look at the requirements for the Marketplace. If we fulfill these, we can go that way.

ThomasPohl avatar Mar 29 '19 07:03 ThomasPohl

Hi my friends your help please put one file with correct coding for one ESQL code.

I recibe this message "Document this function with all parameters and return types" y probe various samples of comment but not remove this message over Code Smell

aurbanog avatar Apr 15 '19 16:04 aurbanog

I added the requirements for the market place. A few thinks need to be checked or changed:

  • [X] Your plugin is open-source
  • [X] Releases follow open source conventions. For each release, the following must be available:
    • release notes that reflect all significant changes in the version
    • plugin jar

The key of your plugin must be:

  • [X] short and unique

  • [X] lowercase (no camelcase)

  • [X] composed only of [a-z0-9]

  • [X] related to the name of your plugin

  • [x] not just the name of a language (e.g. cannot be java, rust, js/javascript, ...)

    • examples of good keys: motionchart, communityphp, scmactivity
  • [X] The description of your plugin must not be misleading in terms of content (the code needs to do pretty much what the name and description say it does).

  • [ ] On initial entry into the Marketplace, SonarSource staff will test the plugin to verify reasonable functionality and quality. SonarSource staff must be provided with the necessary means to do this testing without the need to sign any agreements or fill out any forms. Ideally, the means to do this testing will be made available to the community at large, with the same lack of restrictions.

  • [X] Your plugin does not compete with existing or soon-to-be-released SonarSource products (sorry, but we gotta pay the bills somehow).

  • [x] It is analyzed on SonarCloud and the quality gate is green when doing a release.

  • [X] It is compatible with the platform requirements (e.g. it runs on the minimum listed JRE).

  • [x] If your plugin adds analysis of a language which is not analyzed by any SonarSource analyzer you must provide the NCLOC and NCLOCDATA metrics, which are both required to make the user experience within SonarQube consistent. You can take a look at how those metrics are provided by SonarJava (NCLOC, NCLOCDATA).

  • [X] Last but not least: your plugin must be aligned with the goal of the SonarQube platform: management of the technical debt and the quality of the code. To be more precise: every feature of SonarQube is tied to the code, so if your plugin provides data that can't be attached to a source or a test file, then there are chances that your plugin won't be accepted in the Marketplace

ThomasPohl avatar Dec 29 '19 07:12 ThomasPohl

We recently upgraded our version of SonarQube to 8.0, any plans to update the package to this version on the SonarQube market price.

afulki avatar May 04 '20 19:05 afulki