wxHexEditor copied to clipboard
.tags files location
It would be more convenient at least for using external editors and data persistence if various *.tags files were all collected in one place rather that stashed everywhere. Also, this would work with read-only locations (e.g. CD/DVD). After all, tag files already have filename entry stored. Though of course a separate file with associations would be better for performance than checking file list then inside various files - and can be a step toward using masks rather than tags for individual files.
Perhaps the best place for main config and association file is ~/.config/wxHexEditor/ and for tags something like ~/.config/wxHexEditor/tags/?
:+1: from me. There is already a solution to the read only problem (wxHexEditor will prompt you if and when the path is read-only), but that isn't very scalable.
I don't think that I'd put it in a hidden directory like that, though. Some configurable directory seems more like it. I myself use huge automatically generated tag files, using my pg_hexedit tool.
Well, I don't like the idea of the having a directory to save all those tags, but It's most meaningful solution for the tag "templates"... Also we do not need to invent wheel from scratch. I am gonna have a templates directory for templates. For tags, since I believe that tag file bounded to the file, it need to stay near of the actual file. At least for a while. Later might also use template structure for all tag files optionally..
@petergeoghegan , I don't know if it fits to you but if it is, you can also generate and PostgreSQL relation file templates also. (bug #84)