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ESP32 Logic Analyzer

ESP32 LogicAnalyzer A SUMP compatible 16Bit Logic Analyzer for ESP32 MCUs.


  • Use Arduino to compile and flash your ESP32.
  • Uses ESP32 I2S DMA and could capture speeds up to 20 Mhz.
  • Support 8 bit and 16 bit operations.
  • Maximum 128k samples. (Even using 8bit capturing mode.)
  • RLE compression supported.
  • Analog input is NOT available.
  • ~~WROOVER modules support 2M samples but only up to 2 Mhz due bandwith limit on PSRAM access.~~ Under development.
  • Default OLS port is UART0 and default baudrate is 912600.
  • You can use UART2 and or higher baud rates for high speed OLS communication by altering the lines at top of the header file...
    • For OLS port at UART0
      • Set "Core Debug Level"=None before compiling code at arduino, specially for > 10Mhz capture operations.
    • GPIO23 used for I2S input clk and GPIO22 LEDC clk output. Don't use those for IO or change them and connect them to another unused pins at code.

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This project steals some code from esp32-cam-demo for I2S DMA and Arduino Logic Analyzer as SUMP protocol "template".

Quick start guide

  1. Use PlatformIO (in VS Code) to open the project folder
  2. Modify ESP32_LogicAnalyzer.h for make a fit to your board.
  3. Build the project and flash with PlatformIO
  4. Connect cfg.gpio_clk_in (default pin23 )and cfg.gpio_clk_out (default pin22).
  5. Open PulseView with pulseview -D -d ols:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0::serialcomm=921600/8n1 ,or from gui, connect device and select Openbench Logic Sniffer & SUMP compatibles (ols)
  6. Channels vs PINS are also available at setup() function. You can also change ports/baud from ESP32_LogicAnalyzer.h file. Please check it out before use.