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Kotlin backend based on the Clean Architecture principles. Ktor, JWT, Exposed, Flyway, OpenAPI/REST & KGraphQL/GraphQL generated endpoints, Gradle.

Results 4 CleanArchitecture issues
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With [KGraphQL]( development being stale since august 2021 and the [developer going AWOL](, other graphql server libraries should be considered. Update JUNE 2022: KGraphQL author seems to have returned, [looking...

Like GraphQL, Rest APIs with OpenAPI generated docs, can enable [client-side code generation]( [Third-party alternative]( Since we're only utilizing GraphQL as a typed API, using GraphQL is overkill and requires...

I just change application.conf file ktor { deployment { port = 9090 } application { modules = [ ktor.ServerKt.module ] } development = true } database { type = "JDBC"...