radiometric-slope-correction copied to clipboard
users/andreasvollrath/radar:slope_correction_lib.js Line 149: proj is not defined
I am trying to use the slope_correction function in GEE but I get this error "users/andreasvollrath/radar:slope_correction_lib.js Line 149: proj is not defined" and do not understand where the problem comes from. I used the following code a few months ago and it worked well so maybe something has changed. Could you please help me ?
" var batch = require('users/fitoprincipe/geetools:batch') ; var projet = "CD_Projet";
// Define Area of Interest and CRS //----------------------------------- var aoi = ee.FeatureCollection("users/AOI");
var CRS_epsg = 'EPSG:32633';
// Define a start and end date for the analysis //----------------------------------------------- var start_monitoring = ee.Date('2021-04-20'); var end_monitoring = ee.Date('2021-07-01');
// Get a collection of Sentinel-1 images in the area of interest and apply filters //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var s1_collection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD') .filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW')) .filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', 'ASCENDING')) .filterDate(ee.Date(start_monitoring), ee.Date(end_monitoring)) .filterBounds(aoi) .map(maskBorder);
// Print the image collection to the console print('___'); print('Entire collection of Sentinel-1 images: ', s1_collection);
// Mask edges of scenes using angle //------------------------------------
function maskBorder(image) {
var totalSlices = ee.Number(image.get('totalSlices'))
var sliceNumber = ee.Number(image.get('sliceNumber'))
var middleSlice = ee.Image(
var mask =['VV', 'VH']).mask().reduce(ee.Reducer.min()).floor()
var pixelsToMask = mask.not()
.fastDistanceTransform(128, 'pixels').sqrt()
var metersToMask = pixelsToMask
var notBorder = metersToMask.gte(500).and(
var angle ='angle')
return image
// Radiometric slope correction (Vollrath et al., 2020) //----------------------------------------------------------- var slope_lib = require('users/andreasvollrath/radar:slope_correction_lib.js');
// apply loaded lib function on collection (and get back corrected collection with volume model) var volume = slope_lib.slope_correction( s1_collection, // those are optional and need to be given as a dict {'model': 'surface', 'elevation': ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003'), 'buffer': 100 // buffer in meter } );
// Export to drive //-----------------
{region: aoi,
scale: 10,
maxPixels: 10e10,
crs: CRS_epsg})