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Registration for images with transposed GeoTransform currently works but subsequent requests fail
Because we're always using elements 1 and 5 of the GeoTransform for the offset vector which are 0 in the case of transposed images the extent is 0 which yields an error.
Ideally we'd support serving images like this but as long as MapServer can't handle them we should fail during ingestion with a proper failure message.
Or fix the image geotransform during registration:
def correct_geo_transform(src_dst):
ulx, xres, xskew, uly, yskew, yres = src_dst.GetGeoTransform()
# test geotransform if necessary to shift
if xres == 0.0 and yres == 0.0:
# malformed image, compute xres and yres switched in geotransform
lrx = ulx + (src_dst.RasterXSize * xskew)
lry = uly + (src_dst.RasterYSize * yskew)
# [ulx, lrx, lry, uly] - bounds = lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
fp = [[0, src_dst.RasterXSize, src_dst.RasterXSize, 0], [0, 0, src_dst.RasterYSize, src_dst.RasterYSize]]
tp = [[ulx, lrx, lrx, ulx], [lry, lry, uly, uly]]
pix = list(zip(fp[0], fp[1]))
coor = list(zip(tp[0], tp[1]))
# compute the gdal.GCP parameters
gcps = []
for index, txt in enumerate(pix):
gcps[index].GCPPixel = pix[index][0]
gcps[index].GCPLine = src_dst.RasterYSize - int(pix[index][1])
gcps[index].GCPX = coor[index][0]
gcps[index].GCPY = coor[index][1]
# get correct geotransform from gcps
geotransform_new = gdal.GCPsToGeoTransform(gcps)
# overwrite geotransform with new
return src_dst