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recover_key not working on v1.8
I'm trying to add ECDSA signature verification to my contract.
However, using the example ECDSA from 3 years ago doesn't seem to work anymore. There are tons of errors I'm getting but this is one of the errors:
error: too many arguments to function call, expected 2, have 5 auto n = eosio::recover_key(&digest, (char *)&sig, sizeof(sig), pub, 34);
I checked the API and it does say that there should be 5 parameters but the compiler seems to be only expecting 2. Any suggestions?
My contract code (referenced): `///@abi action void ecrecover(std::string data, const signature &sig) { std::string tmp; checksum256 digest; sha256(&data[0], data.size(), &digest);
char pub[34]; // public key without checksum
auto n = recover_key(&digest, (char *)&sig, sizeof(sig), pub, 34);
assert(n == 34);
std::string pubhex = to_hex(pub, sizeof(pub)).substr(2); // remove leading '00'
tmp = hex_to_string(pubhex.c_str());
strcpy(pub, tmp.c_str());
checksum160 chksm;
ripemd160(pub, 33, &chksm);
tmp = hex_to_string(pubhex + to_hex(&chksm, 20).substr(0,8)); // append checksum
unsigned char encoded[37 * 137 / 100];
base58encode(tmp, 37, encoded);
tmp = "EOS" + std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(encoded));
assert(tmp.length() == 53);
///@abi action void ecverify(std::string data, const signature &sig, const public_key &pk) { checksum256 digest; sha256(&data[0], data.size(), &digest);
assert_recover_key(&digest, (const char *)&sig, sizeof(sig), (const char *)&pk, sizeof(pk));
int recover_key( const struct capi_checksum256* digest, const char* sig, size_t siglen, char* pub, size_t publen );
By default, C API is not accessible any more. Your mentioning recover_key
with 5 arguments is C API (considered as low-level interface and not recommended to be called directly), so it becomes hidden. You need to set your build configuration manually or use the following C++ API with 2 arguments (recommended way).
namespace eosio {
eosio::public_key recover_key( const eosio::checksum256& digest, const eosio::signature& sig );