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event system to notify 3rd party service
After contract action executed by user (from browser eosjs) I need to notify nodejs app that this event occurred.
How to do this ?
I have a same question, is there any way to notify the action occurred.
There's no direct way to do it within the current version. However, you can make a plugin to capture all the blocks & transactions then notify 3rd party service. Or, alternatively, call "get table" from time to time.
@taokayan In below ticket, @bytemaster said this feature will be added in Version 1.0 https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/issues/1640 Do we still have such plan? Thanks.
So if I want to see if bets are happening every block, instead of a simple event watcher I need to setInterval( get table )? If we all start doing this it's not going to be great for BP endpoints. Hopefully events get implemented soon.
Hey, any news about this feature?
Hello you guys, Does any update?
If you're running your own node, you can create a server that connects to the state-history plugin and watches for the events you need.
Is there any update on this?