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Unclear situation regarding token and their benefits
Thank's for the quite detailed white paper. However, to me it is not yet clear how the token situation behaves. Are there different kind of tokens? One for application operators, one for node operators, one for block produces and voters? What is the incentive to operate an EOS computation node? Which token to use for voting? When voting for one of the 21 block produces, will I as a voter be receive a share of the earned tokens of block producers? Most likely you will finance EOS through investores buying your tokens, so what's the business case for these investors? Being one of the 20 most voted block producers or the single random token holder is very unlikely and if that is really necessary to receive RoI, I'd consider EoS to be a scam.
Maybe you could bring light into the situation and describe which tokens exist, what they are good for and what the advantages/disadvantages of them are in a more clear and detailed way. Because I really like the idea behind EoS and would like to support it - once I understand the business model =)
with best regards, Miek
Same doubt with you
from last 28 days I can see that only in last minuts when only few minuts left for one day token selling , some one buying token in Bulk quantity -- .. why due to that no one can forcast price of EOS token each day .. ?
Game theory.
@fqpywkbb @ngxiaoyi here is something I wrote for a FB page I'm on. It's my understanding of teh tokens and their use.
@bytemaster happy for you to correct me if I'm off base :-)
EOS Token distribution Information / Interpretation
Hi guys. A few people have been asking me about the eos token registration process and how the ERC20 tokens will be worth anything etc. I did a heap of research on this and I'm happy to share it.
This is my understanding based on research. If anyone has a different understanding please feel free to add a comment with any additional details etc.
My Understanding of EOS token distribution... They will use the eos ERC20 tokens as a kind of address book. Registration of the tokens is essentially a vote to start the eos block chain. One coin one vote. As long as two people vote..., you have a network and the block chain has begun.
I know of more than two people who've registered their tokens already so we have a network. :-)
The ERC20 tokens are a smart contract with the outcome of the vote being the eos network. i.e. each wallet address will be listed in the "address book" and the smart contract will use that address book along with the number of EOS token at that address to assign STAKE in the new network.
If you didn't register your token..., you didn't vote. If you didn't vote. You have no STAKE in the network.
EOS is a PROOF OF STAKE network. Your token is your vote and your vote is your stake.
Thats my understanding from the presentations by the development team and the white paper and road map.
It's all out there. You have to pull it together a bit and I think they did that on purpose too. But it's pretty clear what's going on if you take the time to read through it and listen to what they're saying.
I actually think it's THE most ingenious project from platform design to token distribution and everything in between. It would have taken years to come up with this. The token distribution is a disincentive to traders and wales to get in at the beginning leaving it open for us to get in before the price pumps too high. Anarcho Capitalism and Game Theory at its best IMHO
Here's some info I found on how to register your eos tokens so your vote can be counted.…/how-to-update-the-eos-public-key-mapp…