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Fix incorrect number of blocks in a round

Open OlegStotsky opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Producers are actually producing 12 blocks per turn, not 6.

OlegStotsky avatar Jan 07 '19 09:01 OlegStotsky

How is this incorrect? You basically wrote the same information that is in my PR.

OlegStotsky avatar May 06 '19 07:05 OlegStotsky

It's 252 blocks. Not seconds. I have no idea where you got the seconds idea from. You multiply 12 blocks by 21 producers. You get 252. 252 blocks per round.

OlegStotsky avatar May 07 '19 08:05 OlegStotsky

Sorry, you are right, I did a little brain fart. The seconds part came from the idea that whoever wrote this whitepaper, was refering to the 126 seconds and did actually mean seconds instead of blocks. Anyway, the orginal sentence confused me and that is why I started looking for answers, which you helped clarify. I hope they can commit the changes and get this issue resolved.

NiVisser avatar May 09 '19 14:05 NiVisser