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emsoftbench can not open pattern file.
I want to do dictionary indexing using EMsoftworkbench.
To use this program, I tried based on the example Ni example file.
But in "6.Dictionary indexing page-average dot product map" tab the following error appear with only blank map. I choose pattern data file as, Edax_Ni.H5 and choose pattern data set in Scan 6/EBSD/Data/Pattern.
Do I wrong thing?
Also in Windows EMsoftworkbench version, I can reached final page but when I push the generate, but It break up when I clicked "Generate" at "6.Dictionary indexing page", "dictionary indexing" tab. (In windows version, I can see a map without error)
Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Marc De Graef Research Group/CMU EMsoft comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see License.txt file for details.
Program name : EMgetADP.f90 Purpose : Standalone program to compute Average Dot Product map Platform : Darwin Source code version : 5_0_0_0 Source code Revision :
Build Date/Time : 2019-10-14 17:42:52Z
See https://github.com/EMsoft-org/EMsoft/wiki for selected help pages.
May 25 2023 2:34:52.556 PM
Number of command line arguments detected: 1
WARNING: USER=Kim WARNING: file /Users/Kim/.config/EMsoft/EMsoftConfig.json not found -----> Trying environment variables next ...
WARNING: Unable to find definition for EMtmppathname
WARNING: EMTMPPATHNAME environment variable was NOT defined as a backup. ----> using absolute path convention
Checking for temporary fileEMEBSDDict_tmp.data
Preprocessing experimental patterns Creating temporary file :EMEBSDDict_tmp.data
Pattern input file /Users/Kim/Documents/EMsoft-5.0.0-OSX/lib/EDAX_Ni.hdf5 input file type TSLHDF
-> Number of threads set to 20
Starting processing of experimental patterns
At line 1268 of file /Users/mjackson/EMsoft-Dev/EMsoftPublic/Source/EMsoftHDFLib/patternmod.f90 (unit = 42) Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file 'fort.42': Read-only file system
Error termination. Backtrace:
#0 0x10a123579 #1 0x10a124235 #2 0x10a124999
#3 0x10a1e87da
#4 0x10a1eec85 #5 0x100f127ba
#6 0x109cb4f4e #7 0x100f16a10
#8 0x100c7f698 #9 0x100c7fbc3
#10 0x101019c4e
Average Dot Product Map Generation Complete
On 5/25/23 1:45 AM, triplucky wrote:
Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file 'fort.42': Read-only file system
The error message contains the above line; it appears that you do not have write permission on the particular disk drive that you are trying to write to...
Regards, Marc.
WARNING: USER=Kim WARNING: file /Users/Kim/.config/EMsoft/EMsoftConfig.json not found
I think you need to configure EMsoft before using it. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
Regards, Johan
Thank you for your help. But it's not working still. error message is changed.
Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Marc De Graef Research Group/CMU EMsoft comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see License.txt file for details.
Program name : EMgetADP.f90 Purpose : Standalone program to compute Average Dot Product map Platform : Darwin
Source code version : 5_0_0_0 Source code Revision :
Build Date/Time : 2019-10-14 17:42:52Z
See https://github.com/EMsoft-org/EMsoft/wiki for selected help pages.
Jun 1 2023 7:37:33.976 PM
Number of command line arguments detected: 1
Checking for temporary file/Users/Kim/.config/EMsoft/tmp/EMEBSDDict_tmp.data
Preprocessing experimental patterns
Creating temporary file :/Users/Kim/.config/EMsoft/tmp/EMEBSDDict_tmp.data
Input file /Users/Kim//Applications/EMsoft-5.0.0-OSX/EMsoft-5.0.0-OSX/lib/EDAX-Ni.h5 does not exist in this location ... Please check the input parameters in the namelist file.
----> Fatal error in routine openExpPatternFile: Unrecoverable error; file not found
STOP Progam ended abnormally
Average Dot Product Map Generation Complete
On 6/1/23 6:39 AM, triplucky wrote:
Input file /Users/Kim//Applications/EMsoft-5.0.0-OSX/EMsoft-5.0.0-OSX/lib/EDAX-Ni.h5 does not exist in this location ...
Please confirm that this file does exist on your system ...
to confirm that EMsoft is properly configured, please post the output of the EMsoftConfigTest program.