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Issues with package configuration - EMsoftinit
I am having issues with the initial configuration of the EMsoft packages. When I run the EMsoftini.exe program I get an error message after inserting the user name, see attached pictures. When I look inside the EMsoftConfig.json file I see that not all the fields are automatically generated. Also, there is no back-facing curly bracket at the end of the document, suggesting me that something went wrong.
Even if the configuration is clearly not completed, I am still able to run a limited number of programs, but not all of them. Is this issue known or am I doing something wrong? Thank you in advance for your help.
I wonder if removing the $
in reads from ln 1303 and 1313 in EMsoftLib\local.f90.in would fix it, if someone has a Windows build and wants to try it
Until the fix for this goes upstream, you can go round not using the config file at all. If you
- Remove the json config file. This way all programs will fall back to using absolute paths. They throw warnings but ignore that.
- You are now in charge of the absolute paths, so make sure the paths are given with the names of files in nml files. If there is no path given the software will start looking in current directory.
- You have to manually copy the template files from the template folder as calling -t will go through config file and fail. So for instance copy the
in your working directory and go on from there.
Thank you Elena, I tried to copy the EMLACBED.template file into the bin folder, and when I run the EMLACBED.exe file I get the following error message:
It seems like the software is looking for the EMLACBED.nml file, which is not present in any folder.
By the way, I have also removed the configuration file as suggested by you.
Sorry, I wasn't too explicit. You have to rename the <file>.template
to <file>.nml.
And also add the correct info in the nml file. .template
is the example for the .nml
Yep, now it worked! 👍 :) output_LACBED.txt Thank you very much! I guess I now need IDL scripts to visualize the LACBED data?!
Nice! The output is a h5 file. But yeah all the nice visual tools are in IDL.
OK! Thank you very much for your help Elena!
Actually I think the IDL scripts are not in the nightly binary builds, or I can't see them.
@marcdegraef would be able to answer if the IDL scripts play nicely with the binary build.
I had a nearly identical issue on Ubuntu 20.04, although the Fortran error thrown was "end of file" when I tried to run EMsoftinit. It turns out that I had been closely following the Wiki which led me to installing an older version of the SDK with some hiccups such as HDF5 version 1.8.20 not hosted (404'ing) at the bluequartz address in the make files. I solved these issues by following the READme https://github.com/EMsoft-org/EMsoft/ which led me to install an updated SDK.