Oh sadness... I hope that performance is not so bad with operations we will perform. I see most of hacks as logic+memory operations. Mostly no file I/O, networking and so...
Hi, I worked on this quite long time ago, but I remember EQs (I do not remember if both para and fixed band) were made as "the code" + "frequency...
What will be "pass" format? If we compile Java POGOProtos, will JRuby use Java classes? E.g. we pass byte array containing request, in JRuby we can do same as in...
I will restore that, just as in branch right-now. Java - much reflection :doge:
@griest024 I think they have later version on github... I saw a tutorial to include everything from Core to APK also. But I thought that "everything" is JRuby and JRuby...
I did try ruboto core. From app log - they seem to use pretty old versions of everything ``` 09-04 16:56:55.229 18679-18679/com.elynx.pogoxmitm I/System.out: Found JRuby in platform APK 09-04 16:56:55.239...
Even better idea. May be put built-in ruboto aside for some time... With Ruboto-core scripting seem to work, and for development, who cares? Even if they come from outer space,...
I think I will try to make a "test environment" for this setup #17 . Make a thread pool, and call JRubyAdapter.\* from there. So testing will be faster, and...
Added 2 controls to test activity. One starts an approximation of PoGo network calls, another dumps results.