AutoMessage copied to clipboard
Easily schedule server wide broadcasts to players
Did you will to add feature for players be able to hide separate join, separate quit, separate death-PvE and separate death-PvP messages ?? (And maybe some customization and randomization for...
Double apostrophes are reported to not be working ( '' ) although told that it should be used instead of ( ' ) for apostrophes in broadcasts.
When I try to use %n in my config, the output simply becomes %n, no space. I can't use normal spaces (spacebar lol) to create spaces in the beginning of...
Long Automatic Messages, with multiple lines and spacings such as this one: Will not display correctly on chat.  How ever, they will display correctly when they are set...
Hello, I can't use Æ Ø Å (Danish characters)... What can i do? Look at it here
Hello, when i use the automessage command nothing happens. I've checked and double checked my configuration and even resorted to an online yml parser. I don't have any errors what...
I have a group with the permission - automessage.receive.regular and in my config I have a list of messages under title "regular" (no quotes) with the permission, they receive it...
Whenever message with \n at first or last place appears on chat (or with just whitespace characted between beggining/ending), every player receiving it will get his client crashed. So i...
it doesn't help negotiating or removing /not adding the permission nodes to my operators. AM constantly shows everything to the op's. using essentials and groupmanager.