BubbleShowCase-Android copied to clipboard
TargetView with Navigation Drawer menu item
I am trying to use this BubbleShowcase for menuItem placed on NavigationView inside DrawerLayout but somehow bubble is not showing up. Please suggest how to deal with this. Any help with be appreciated.
Hello @sandeepsingh88
If you use this library in your project. please give some code snippet, how to use bubble show case on Navigational drawer hamburger icon.
fun showViewCase() { BubbleShowCaseBuilder(this) .title(getString(basket_show_case_view_title)) .description(getString(basket_show_case_view_description)) .arrowPosition(BubbleShowCase.ArrowPosition.TOP) .backgroundColor(getColor(this, background_secondary)) .textColor(getColor(this, common_black)) .titleTextSize(16) .descriptionTextSize(14) .closeActionImage(getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_old_close_)) .apply { binding.bottomNavView.findItemView(R.id.basket)?.let(::targetView) } .show() }
not displayed messageView