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Empty yaml file types (and incorrect formatting)
Empty yaml file types Found 785 yamls with empty file types - GCSTs listed in attached .txt file: yamls-with-empty-filetypes.txt (Unfortunately these are not all GWAS-SSF so file headers would need to be checked to determine correct file type.)
Incorrect file_type formatting Also found several yamls with file_type ' GWAS-SSFv1.0' or ' GWAS-SSF v1.0' (with single quotation marks and beginning whitespace (eg. GCST90319314). These should be removed so it reads eg. file_type: GWAS-SSFv1.0. (There is some variability about usage of 'GWAS-SSFv1.0' and 'GWAS-SSF v1.0' with added space. Could this also be cleaned up?)