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F# templating library with simple syntax designed for smooth work with F# types.
F# templating library with simple syntax designed for smooth work with F# types.
Why another templating library?
We have Razor, we have DotLiquid - why another templating library? I know, "rendering on server side is so 2010", but sometimes we just need (or want) to do it - for emails, for documents, even for HTML (yes, some oldschoolers still do it on server). And then pain starts: You need to have plenty of ViewModels to transform data from Discriminated Unions, Tuples, etc...
Wouldn`t be just great to have a library that allows you to use your original data without annoying only-for-template transformation? Good news! Fue was designed as ViewModels |> NoMore library with focus on minimalistic API.
First install NuGet package
Install-Package Fue
or using Paket
nuget Fue
Basic templating
Before we start, open these two modules:
open Fue.Data
open Fue.Compiler
Now we need storage for our view data. Function init
from Fue.Data
module is here for you. Once initiated, you can store values in it.
init |> add "name" "Roman"
Having data prepared, lets start rendering our values using simple {{{myValue}}}
init |> add "name" "Roman" |> fromText "{{{name}}}" // compiles to value "Roman"
Full example:
let html = "<div>{{{name}}}</div>"
let compiledHtml = init |> add "name" "Roman" |> fromText html
// compiledHtml now contains "<div>Roman</div>"
Wanna use functions? No problem!
let html = "<div>{{{getName()}}}</div>"
let compiledHtml = init |> add "getName" (fun _ -> "Roman") |> fromText html
// compiledHtml now contains "<div>Roman</div>"
Or pipe forward operator?
let html = "<div>{{{myParam |> multiply}}}</div>"
let compiledHtml =
|> add "myParam" 10
|> add "multiply" (fun x -> x * 2)
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml now contains "<div>20</div>"
And combine own functions with literals.
let html = """<div>{{{printHello("Roman", myValue)}}}</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "printHello" (fun name1 name2 -> sprintf "Hello %s and %s" name1 name2)
|> add "myValue" "Jiri"
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml now contains "<div>Hello Roman and Jiri</div>"
Please note: For better work with HTML templates, literals syntax can be marked with both 'single quotes' or "double quotes"
Supported types
Fue is designed to work with classes, records, tuples, options, discriminated unions as well as anonymous functions.
type MyRecord = { Name : string }
let html = """<div id="{{{id}}}">{{{fst myTuple}}} {{{myRec.Name}}}</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "myTuple" ("Hello", 35)
|> add "fst" fst
|> add "myRec" { Name = "John"}
|> add "id" "someId"
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml now contains """<div id="someId">Hello John</div>"""
Rendering from file
Common usage of template engines is to have templates separated as files. Function fromFile
is here for you.
let compiledHtml =
|> add "someValue" "myValue"
|> fromFile "relative/or/absolute/path/to/file.html"
Conditional rendering
True power of Fue library is in custom attributes which can affect how will be template rendered.
Simple if condition attribute.
let html = """<div fs-if="render">This DIV won`t be rendered at all</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "render" false
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is empty string
Simple else condition attribute.
let html = """<div fs-if="render">Not rendered</div><div fs-else>This will be rendered</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "render" false
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<div>This will be rendered</div>"
Please note: Else condition must immediately follow If condition.
fs-du & fs-case
Condition based on value of Discriminated Union.
type Access =
| Anonymous
| Admin of username:string
let html =
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Anonymous">Welcome unknown!</div>
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Admin(user)">Welcome {{{user}}}</div>
let compiledHtml =
|> add "access" (Access.Admin("Mr. Boosh"))
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<div>Welcome Mr. Boosh</div>"
Of course, if you do not need associated case values, you can ignore them.
let html =
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Anonymous">Welcome unknown!</div>
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Admin(_)">Welcome admin</div>
let compiledHtml =
|> add "access" (Access.Admin("Mr. Boosh"))
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<div>Welcome admin</div>"
Fue syntax allows you to do not extract any value (even if there is some associated).
let html =
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Anonymous">Welcome unknown!</div>
<div fs-du="access" fs-case="Admin">Welcome admin</div>
Non-rendered placeholder for text. Use with combination of other Fue attributes.
let html = """<fs-template fs-if="render">Rendered only inner Html</fs-template>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "render" true
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "Rendered only inner Html"
List rendering
For-cycle attribute
let html = """<ul><li fs-for="item in items">{{{item}}}</li></ul>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "items" ["A";"B";"C"]
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<ul><li>A</li><li>B</li><li>C</li></ul>"
Common task for rendering lists is to show row number, index or whole list length. Auto-created values {{{$index}}}
, {{{$iteration}}}
, {{{$length}}}
, {{{$is-last}}}
and {{{$is-not-last}}}
are here to help.
let html = """<li fs-for="i in items">{{{i}}} is {{{$index}}}, {{{$iteration}}}, {{{$length}}}</li>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "items" ["A";"B";"C"]
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<li>A is 0, 1, 3</li><li>B is 1, 2, 3</li><li>C is 2, 3, 3</li>"
Since version 1.2.0 there is support for tuples destructuring:
let html = """<li fs-for="greetings,target in items">I say {{{greetings}}} to {{{target}}}</li>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "items" [("Hi","World");("Hello","Planet")]
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<li>I say Hi to World</li><li>I say Hello to Planet</li>"
Working with Option types
Option types are fully supported and you can use them as you would directly from F# code.
let html = """<div fs-if="myOptionValue.IsSome">I got {{{myOptionValue.Value}}}</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "myOptionValue" (Some "abc")
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<div>I got abc</div>"
let html = """<div fs-if="myOptionValue.IsNone">I got nothing</div>"""
let compiledHtml =
|> add "myOptionValue" None
|> fromText html
// compiledHtml is "<div>I got nothing</div>"
Simple HTML snippet to show what can be achieved using Fue:
<!--Template basics-->
{{{value}}} - Static value
{{{function()}}} - Function value
{{{value1 |> fun1}}}
<li fs-for="item in items">
{{{item.Name}}} {{{$index}}} {{{$length}}} {{{$iteration}}}
<div fs-if="$is-not-last">Shown if not last item of collection</div>
<div fs-if="$is-last">Shown only for the last item of collection</div>
<!--For-cycle with direct tuple destructuring-->
<!--let items = [("Hi","World");("Hello";"Planet")]-->
<li fs-for="greetings,target in items">
I say {{{greetings}}} to {{{target}}}
<div fs-if="someCondition" id="{{{id}}}">Value</div>
<div fs-else></div>
<!--Option types-->
<div fs-if="someOption.IsSome">{{{someOption.Value}}}</div>
<div fs-if="someOption.IsNone">Nothing</div>
<!--Discriminated Union
type UserAccess =
| Anonymous
| Admin of section:string
<div fs-du="item" fs-case="Anonymous">Anonymous</div>
<div fs-du="item" fs-case="Admin(section)">{{{section}}}</div>
<fs-template fs-if="someCondition">
Some value
Used libraries
Fue is based on amazing Html Agility Pack library.
Did you find any bug? Missing functionality? Please feel free to Create issue or Pull request.