Dylan Lathrum
Dylan Lathrum
Hi sorry about the delay, what map are you trying to convert?
Hi I'm going to close this since I don't have enough information to investigate further. Feel free to respond or create a new issue if you're still having trouble.
Hello! Sorry about the long delay, life reared it's ugly head for a bit. I'm still alive, but have much less time to work on the project Just to make...
Make sure you're only adding the `_dir.vpk` files. That file points to all the other ones ("000", "001")
Remember you can also import assets in regular folders by selecting "Add Folder." This will add all the assets in the "materials"/"models" folders. ``` custom-content/
Hi sorry again for the delay. My garrysmod install seems to have a different layout for its files (the materials that were missing in your log are in the vpk...
Ack it doesn't like something in the map file itself now. Is it possible to upload the VMF? That way I can take a closer look?
Thanks, I am extremely busy the next few days but I will take a look once I get a chance
That could be part of it. Some other people have reported that saving it in original hammer then trying to convert it works, I haven't gotten a chance to see...
Just wanted to let you know, in a stroke of some of the greatest timing ever, the motherboard of my personal computer has died and I'm working on getting a...