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Addon is Deprecated
Due to recent updates on the website, I've decided to deprecate this addon and build a new better one. stay tuned!
EDIT: The new addon is now available via both repo and under its own guthub. Please refer to
My heart cries as 9anime is the best addon and the site has anime all others do not. Due to my situation browsers are not an option and kodi is the solutoon. I totally understand your frustration and the site is to blame. You do you and I will wait for your solution and I wish you luck. Can't happen fast enough but that life :)
Thanks for all your work hard all this time for maintaining this great addon, I look forward to see your new project!
Thank you so much for your hard work! 9anime has truly been an awesome addon in the 9 months I’ve had it and I’m truly appreciative of it.
Best Addon by far! The quality of content was way ahead of what others had to offer. You’re very good at what you do my guy. Your work was truly appreciated by the community and we look forward to your next project!
wish there was a way I could get update on you new addy via email so I could grab it when it comes out
Cant wait to see what you create. Keep up the great work.
keep up the great work mate, can't wait to see what comes next :D
Many thanks to everyone who made this add-on! Was my most favorite add-on, for sure! Much appreciated! Looking forward to whatever is next!
So are we gonna notify everyone when it's done?
in here ( of this projection), thats why we have this thread :)
What site are you going to use? I assume 9anime is off the table so which one are you going to use?
Gogo anime is pretty good
Yeah that might be the best option for him, I have Masterani covered and I assume he doesn't want to lose the dub options he has so GoGo is probably it. If they need any help I'll be happy to lend a hand. @DxCx
GoGoAnime episodes aren't that stable i tried watching an episode of one piece and all of their links were down.
That may be true but from DxCx's perspective, it makes the most sense it is the closest you can get to 9anime, so it will be the easiest to develop.
We've got sources 1000x better than GoGo
Oh really? Not even gonna give us a hint? Okay.
How about Anime Twist ( They provide closed API for outsiders and videos are played in MP4 without any issues. It should be quite easy to do. How about it?
We already have the best sources possible
Damn that anime twist site runs 1080 on every show pretty smooth. Too bad can’t find an addon for it. Getting excited for this new project tho
Anime twist is legit, I tried to add it to Masterani Redux but couldn't find any documentation for the API. If I could find some I'd add it as a potential source.
Can I help with the new anime plugin or would I have to wait until I can fork it before helping you guys out?
I mean do you have anything in particular you want to contribute?
Also I might actually add that site as a source too so @szakes1 thanks 👌
I just contacted them about getting access to the API for Masterani Redux. I haven't heard back to them yet, I'm just hoping they are reasonable about Kodi, ads aren't an issue considering they don't run them, I'd like to have their links as they are always solid, so especially on some shows, it would be nice to have them for my addon. If I can get access then I'm sure they will be cool with you getting it.
If you can genuinely accomplish that you can have an early look at the new add on
Really? That's cool! If I do get the access and permission to do stuff with it I'll message you.
Well I have helped this plugin before and that was only to edit something that needed fixing so I think I should wait until it's completed to help the new plugin out but if you need an extra hand I'll see what I could do.
I am happy to hear all of this great news.I am sad this plugin is dead, I have a ton of links and they had alot of New anime as well. Masterani has been my savings Grace for now. I hope we have a new plugin soon and I am happy to beta test, wink wink. Sorry having with drawls from my anime. I wish I could help but I am afraid my coding skills are of little help here. I could offer some money, Maybe enough for a cup of coffee, unless you like Starbucks, then maybe not.