PhoneCountryCodePicker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PhoneCountryCodePicker copied to clipboard

An iOS tableview picker for PhoneCountryCode (English & Chinese supported)


Build Status CocoaPods Compatible Platform Twitter License

An iOS tableview picker for PhoneCountryCode



To integrate PhoneCountryCodePicker into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'PhoneCountryCodePicker'

How to use

#import "PCCPViewController.h"

NSDictionary * countryDic = [PCCPViewController infoFromSimCardAndiOSSettings];
NSDictionary * countryDic = [PCCPViewController infoForPhoneCode:86]; //86 just for China

UIImage * flag = [PCCPViewController imageForCountryCode:countryDic[@"country_code"]];
NSLog(@"%@", countryDic);

PCCPViewController * vc = [[PCCPViewController alloc] initWithCompletion:^(id countryDic) {
    NSLog(@"%@", countryDic);
    UIImage * flag = [PCCPViewController imageForCountryCode:countryDic[@"country_code"]];
[vc setIsUsingChinese:YES or NO];
UINavigationController *naviVC = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc];
[self presentViewController:naviVC animated:YES completion:NULL];