Colored-ASCII-Video icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Colored-ASCII-Video copied to clipboard

A program that takes a video file and outputs colored ASCII real-time video inside a terminal


Play Colored ASCII Videos in your Terminal

A program that takes a video file and outputs colored ASCII real-time video inside a terminal (with audio).
Now works with YouTube videos in real time as well thanks to Roman!
Only works if your terminal uses ANSI codes.
The windows terminal does not recognize color by default. It's an option on win10+.
Also the font needs to be monospace or the output will look funny. The font used in all demos is Iosevka Nerd Font.

Made a Youtube Video

Do what you want with the code, but credit would be much appreciated.

How to use

  1. Install python3
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run python3
  4. Follow displayed instructions\

Note: ascii_scheme controls whether bigger characters are used on brighter or darker pixels. Some video looks terrible with the wrong scheme. Same goes for the display mode. Mess around with options till it works, but Inverse scheme + max size usually works.

Change the font size of your terminal for lower/higher resolution.
If you make the font too small audio will desync because it takes too long to think per frame!

Run the script to start it.
Fun fact: it's called that because the project was initially another bad apple recreation.


The size limit on github is miserably low. Follow the the streamable links for full video

For the Bad Apple demo, I messed with the settings of the program and it created a cool border effect I like.