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Simple email parsing for Golang

Results 22 parsemail issues
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Added support to embedded emails in emails. An Email slice (EmbeddedEmails) has been added to Email structure to access the embedded emails.

fixes #23 that `htmlBody` and `textBody` were not decoded even `Content-Transfer-Encoding` was specified.

I was trying to read an Email with a file.txt in attachment. But, when the code run and see every kind of content-type, the searching for attachments was missed. putting...

- Lower transfert-encoding as proposed by - Fix attachment handling in multipart/mixed as proposed by - Fix transfert-encoding support for html and plain which is sometimes base64, quotedprintable,...

I've tried to parse an email where the Content-Transfer-Encoding was specified in the multipart headers, but it was not respected; the `Email` struct had both `TextBody` and `HTMLBody` as raw,...

INPUT: Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 From: Private Person To: A Test User Subject: Hi HTML Smtpman ICAgIDxodG1sPgogICAgPGJvZHk+CiAgICA8aDE+VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QgZS1tYWlsIG1lc3Nh Z2UuPC9oMT4KICAgIDxib2R5PgogICAgPC9odG1sPgogICAg OUTPUT: email, err := parsemail.Parse(strings.NewReader(raw)) email.HTMLBody: ICAgIDxodG1sPgogICAgPGJvZHk+CiAgICA8aDE+VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3QgZS1tYWlsIG1lc3Nh Z2UuPC9oMT4KICAgIDxib2R5PgogICAgPC9odG1sPgogICAg Should...

This change includes check of the part of the form for attachment detection, before we jump into the switch/case statement. This gives us ability to extract attachments with mime-type of...

Sadly, this repo has not been updated in more than 3 years and it doesn't look like it will ever be. The library is pretty nice, it just misses some...

When I try to read an attachement, there are no bytes returned ```go var content []byte size, err := attachement.Data.Read(content) // size = 0 ``` The email roughly looks like...

This change ensures the `Content-Transfer-Encoding` is converted to lowercase to prevent the following error: ``` unknown encoding: BASE64 ```