LocaleKeyboard.js copied to clipboard
Strings on danish keyboard
There are many errors with symbols in the danish locale file.
This is all the numbers and symbols at the numbers - "1234567890+´" This is shift + numbers - "!"#¤%&/()=?" This is alt + gr + 23457890´ - "@£$€{[]}|" This is the symbol left for 1 - "½" This is shift + the symbol left for 1 - "§"
This is all the letters from qaz and to the right. (you also don't have æøå) "qwertyuiopå" + "¨" <-- this have to get pressed twice or with a following space. "asdfghjklæø'" "<zxcvbnm,.-"
With shift on the key left for z - ">" With alt + gr on the key left for z - "" With shift on the key right for m - ";" With shift on the key two right for m - ":" With shift on the key three right for m - "_" With shift on the key right for ø - "*" With shift on the key right for å - "^" (have to be pressed twice or with a following space) With alt + gr on the key right for å - "~" (have to be pressed twice or with a following space)
It's this one https://github.com/Nurrl/LocaleKeyboard.js/blob/master/locales/da_DK.lang or https://github.com/Seytonic/malduino/blob/master/converter/src/locales/da_DK.lang
This is how it appears right now:
1234567890+ " "!"#y%&/()=?" "2x47890´" "½" "2"
"qwertyuiop5" + "3" "asdfghjkl6'" "<zxcvbnm,.-"
">" "" ";" ":" "_" "*" "^" "¨"
Hi @Jackiedk100, please note that this project is for Duckuino, not Malduino, which is a fork and we don't maintain. Please identify problems only on https://github.com/Nurrl/LocaleKeyboard.js/blob/master/locales/da_DK.lang. Thanks !
How do I do that?
With what project did you compiled your code ? (On what site ?)
The file from LocaleKeyboard.js for Denmark
LocaleKeyboard.js can't print characters alone, so with what website you've tested this ?