Visual-Studio-Linux-Build-Box icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Visual-Studio-Linux-Build-Box copied to clipboard

Docker container used to allows Visual Studio to build a Linux application.

Visual Studio Linux Build Box

Docker Build Status Docker Stars Docker Pulls

This image is used to allows Visual Studio to build a Linux application. The official Microsoft tutorial Visual C++ for Linux Development.


From docker hub

  • Ubuntu 18.04 -> ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box:18.04, ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box:latest
  • Ubuntu 16.04 -> ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box:16.04

From github registry

  • Ubuntu 18.04 -> docker pull
  • Ubuntu 16.04 -> docker pull

How to use it

How launch the build box

The image expose an SSH server on port 22. The credential is:

  • Login root
  • password toor

So to launch the build box, execute this command on your linux docker host

docker run -d -p 12345:22 --security-opt seccomp:unconfined ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box

How connect to your Visual Studio

On your Visual Studio go to Tools > Options > Cross Platform > Linux and enter the credential

Linux connect manager

  • Hostname: IP or hostname of your docker host
  • Port: The port you have pass in the previous command ( 12345 for example)
  • Username: root
  • Authentication type: password
  • Password: toor


You can extends the build image to include some dependencies.

For example, the mongo-c driver

FROM ducatel/visual-studio-linux-build-box

RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y libxml2-dev pkg-config libssl-dev libsasl2-dev automake autoconf libtool && \
    git clone && \
    cd mongo-c-driver && \
    git checkout 1.3.5 && \
    ./ && \
    make && make install