meteor-node-csv copied to clipboard
node-csv npm wrapped for meteor
node-csv npm wrapped for meteor
Add like so: meteor add dsyko:meteor-node-csv
. This package exports the global CSV
Adding this mrt package is equivalent to:
installing the node package
npm install csv
and including it in your project as CSV
var CSV = require('csv');
This is useful for parsing CSV files to and from javascript arrays/objects.
A future is necessary for this streaming to work correctly. See: Here
Here is an example of using it to parse a User collection to a csv file.
//Using the Router package to create a route, passing the response stream to our function
Meteor.Router.add('/exportUsers/:filename', function() {
// curl http://localhost:3000/exportUsers/Users.csv
// Should get a .csv file
return exportCSV(this.response);
var exportCSV = function(responseStream){
var userStream = createStream();
// Set up a future, Stream doesn't work properly without it.
var fut = new Future();
var users = {};
//Here this Package is used to parse a stream from an array to a string of CSVs.
.transform(function(user, index){
var dateCreated = new Date(user.createdAt);
return [, user.emails[0].address, dateCreated.toString()];
return user;
.on('error', function(error){
console.error('Error streaming CSV export: ', error.message);
.on('end', function(count){
//Write table headings for CSV to stream.
userStream.write(["Name", "Email", "Date Created"]);
users = Users.find({})
//Pushing each user into the stream, If we could access the MongoDB driver we could
//convert the Cursor into a stream directly, making this a lot cleaner.
users.forEach(function (user) {
userStream.write(user); //Stream transform takes care of cleanup and formatting.
count += 1;
if(count >= users.count())
return fut.wait();
//Creates and returns a Duplex(Read/Write) Node stream
//Used to pipe users from .find() Cursor into our CSV stream parser.
var createStream = function(){
var stream = Npm.require('stream');
var myStream = new stream.Stream();
myStream.readable = true;
myStream.writable = true;
myStream.write = function (data) {
myStream.emit('data', data);
return true; // true means 'yes i am ready for more data now'
// OR return false and emit('drain') when ready later
myStream.end = function (data) {
//Node convention to emit last data with end
if (arguments.length)
// no more writes after end
myStream.writable = false;
myStream.destroy = function () {
myStream.writable = false;
return myStream;